Common Questions

 Is therapy right for me? 

Working with a therapist can provide you with insight, support, and new ways of dealing with all types of life challenges. Therapy can help you address issues such as depression, anxiety, inner conflict, grief, trauma, psychological or emotional aspects of poor health, and better manage stress, body image, and life transitions.

 Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems. 

In seeking therapy, you are taking responsibility for your well being by accepting your desire and commitment for change. During life we naturally change and grow according to experiences we've had. Sometimes we, and our environment, can support our growth and need for change, but sometimes we feel stumped. Counseling is useful when we feel stuck and unable to move forward in the ways we want.

 How can therapy help me? 

Therapy is a collaboration between yourself and your therapist, and a major goal is to discover fresh perspectives on a difficult problem, and point you in the direction of possible solutions. The benefits you get from therapy depend on how well you use the process and put into practice what you learn. Some benefits might include:

  • A better understanding of yourself, your identity, and what you value
  • Discovering ways to improve your relationships
  • Resolving painful issues that led you to seek therapy
  • Learning new ways of being in relationship with stress
  • Managing anger, grief, depression, and the pressures of poor health
  • Improving self-esteem and boosting self-confidence

 What is therapy like? 

Every therapy session is unique to individuals and their specific needs. It is standard for therapists to discuss primary issues and concerns in your life during therapy sessions. Therapy can be short-term and focus on a specific issue, or longer-term, addressing more complex issues and ongoing personal growth. For therapy to be effective, you must be an active participant during and between the sessions.

 Is medication a substitute for therapy? 

In some cases a combination of medication and therapy can be helpful. Working with your medical doctor, you can determine what's best for you.

 Do you accept insurance? How does insurance work? 

To determine if you have mental health coverage, the first thing you should do is check with your insurance carrier. I currently accept Anthem (Blue Cross Blue Shield), Aetna, United Behavioral Health (UBH), CHO (Community Health Options), Cigna, EBPA (Maine General Health), Harvard Pilgrim, Optum, and Health Plans, Inc.

Before you come in for a session, check your coverage carefully to find answers to the following questions:

  • What are my behavioral health benefits?
  • How much does my insurance pay per therapy session?
  • Do I have a co-pay? How much is it?
  • Do I have a deductible, and am I still paying that down?
  • Does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider?

 Is therapy confidential? 

The law protects confidentiality during therapy and no information is disclosed without your request and prior written permission from you. At times, a therapist might want to consult with another therapist. This is called peer supervision and it helps to assure a high quality of care with specific situations. If I should feel it necessary to consult about your case, the therapist I talk with is also required to keep your information private. I ask for your agreement and understanding in doing so.

There are important exceptions to this rule that are required by law. Exceptions include:

  • In case of suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, the therapist is required to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
  • If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person, the therapist is required to notify the police.
  • If a client intends to harm him- or herself, the therapist will make every effort to work with the individual to ensure their safety. However, if an individual does not cooperate with this process, additional measures might need to be taken that break confidentiality. Measures might include calling crisis, the police, or another family member.





10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



