Spiritual Psychotherapy

Spirtual What is spiritual psychology?
Psychology asks questions such as, what makes us function? How do we resolve pain and suffering? How can we feel more happy and complete in our lives?

Early studies in psychology looked at behaviors of animals such as rats, mice, and pigeons, and assumed that by explaining their behaviors and motivations, we can learn about how humans function. Yet, others realized that although there is value in learning about behavior, the study of animals cannot address the complexity of human qualities such as love, self-consciousness, morality, problems with personal freedom, and spirituality.

Spiritual psychology arose to address problems of focusing only on behavior, and offered the great value of exploring higher levels of awareness when it comes to humankind. It blends the world’s spiritual traditions with psychology, and aims to answer a basic question that people have always asked: “Who am I?”

How can a spiritual perspective help in everyday life?
Spiritual psychotherapy helps you to consider how purpose, meaning, and value play out in your life. It regards not only creativity and spirituality, but also frustrations of difficult life experiences that block you from manifesting the sense of self, satisfaction, and life purpose you want. A spiritual approach to therapy supports inner growth in many areas, and concerns itself with developing an authentic self (psychology), while honoring the desire to transcend self (a transpersonal approach that includes, and goes beyond, psychology).

Book an online appointment today for Spiritual Psychology with Diana J Bowen.





10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



