Handouts For Healing

  De-Activating Your Over-Stimulated Nervous System   -  Strategies for calming the body and mind to help you heal from stress and trauma 

  Changing the Mind-Body Stress Response From Panic to Calm   -  Learn about the spiral of panic and how to use early intervention, and prevention, to stop panic and anxiety before it starts 

  Mindfulness for the External Environment     -   An external meditation for calming strong emotions and thoughts

  So-Hum Meditation for Calm  A meditation that uses sound to create relaxation and calm

  Many With Insomnia Remain Conscious While Sleeping, Which Makes You Feel Like You Haven't Slept A Wink   - Research shows you can remain consciously aware even while your brain and body are sleeping. Here are some tips for how to get deeper restorative sleep.

  Letting Go of Tension Breath Exercise    -  A simple breathing exercise to generate your body's relaxation response

  Abdominal Breathing and Imagination for Calming the Body  An abdominal breathing energy exercise to help you generate physical calm and peace of mind

  Go To Neutral    -   Also known as Heart-Focused Breathing, this is a powerful yet easy breathing technique for controlling negative feelings and thoughts 

  Mountain Meditation   -  Use this popular visualization to help you feel grounded in connection with yourself 

 Working with Pain   -  A guided meditation for managing pain 





10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



